Crocodile Stitch Change Purse

Crocodile Stitch Change Purse


How cute is this Crocodile Stitch Change Purse? Made with the fun crocodile crochet stitch, this sweet pocket purse makes a wonderful bridal gift or a sweet favor for a wedding shower. Make a fun accessory with this crocodile stitch crochet pattern!

Crocodile Stitch Change Purse


  • Size D3 or 3.25 mm hook
  • 3.5” Round change purse clasp
  • 1 skein of Sport Weight (For this project, I used I Love This Yarn by Hobby Lobby)
  • Stitch markers (optional)
  • Yarn Needle (Very Thin)


NOTE: The ch 2 at the beginning of the row counts as the first dc unless otherwise noted.

  1. Rnd 1: MC
  2. Rnd 2: ch 2, 11 dc in MC, join with a sl st (12)

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse
  3. Rnd 3: ch 1, work croc stitch around the first two dc of previous row, sc in between the next 2 dc, work croc stitch over the next 2 dc, sc in between the next 2 dc, work croc st over the next 2 dc, sc in between next 2 dc. (3 croc sets)

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse
  4. Rnd 4: ch 2, 3 dc in same st, work 4 dc in each st around, sl st and join at beg of ch 2 (24 dc)
  5. Rnd 5: ch 1, work the croc st pattern over the 1st 2 dc, sc between next 2 dc, *work croc st over next 2 dc, sc between next 2 dc*, repeat from * around, join with a sl st (6 croc sets)

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse
  6. Rnd 6: ch 2, 1 dc in same st, *4 dc in next st, 2 dc in the next st*, repeat from * around, join with a sl st to the top of ch 2 (36 dc)
  7. Rnd 7: ch 1, work croc st around first 2 dc, *sc in between the next 2 dc, work croc st around next 2 dc*, repeat from * around, join with a sl st (9 sets)
  8. Rnd 8: ch 2,工作1相同直流在圣,在东北2直流工作xt st, work *4 dc in next st, work 2 dc in next 2 sts*, repeat from * around, join to top of ch 2 space (48 dc)
  9. Rnd 9: Repeat row 7 (12 croc sets)

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse
  10. Rnd 10: ch 2, work 1 dc in same st, work 2 dc in each stitch around, join to top of ch 2 space (48 dc)

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse
  11. Rnd 11: Repeat Row 7 (12 croc sets) (Piece should measure about 5 inches)

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse
  12. Rnd 12: ch 1, sc in same st, 2 sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st (48 sts)
  13. Rnd 13: ch 1, 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st, fasten off (48 sts)

Steps for securing the clasp to your piece

  1. Sew center closed

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse
  2. Turn the outside in and sew each end closed

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse
  3. Turn the inside out and sew the clasp to your piece.

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse
  4. Sew the section where the clasp bend to your piece

    Crochet Stitch Change Purse

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Absolutely charming! My son will be getting married (date as yet unknown) so I will be making one of these to show my soon to be daughter-in-law! Thank you for this pattern!

You need to add a link for the Crocodile Stitch: //

I think this is absolutely the cutest thing! My goal today is to hunt down a pretty vintage clasp.

Love the idea but does not show you how to make a crocodile stitch and you start pattern off Rnd 1: MC ? MC is normally term for main color, Rnd 2: 11 dc in MC can you explain...thank you

I think on this occasion the MC must refer to Magic Circle


NICE PATTERN; HOWEVER, YOU DID NOT EXPLAIN HOW TO MAKE A CROCODILE STITCH. I went to a youtube and had great directions.


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