Felt Covered Wire Hangers

Felt Covered Wire Hangers

These cute Felt Covered Wire Hangers fromHeather Valentinewould be great for a little girl's closet...or even your own closet! Decorative hangers are easy to make and also make great gifts for the girl who has it all!

Felt Covered Wire Hangers


  • Old wire hangers
  • Tape
  • Felt or polar fleece
  • Needle & thread


  1. Starting with two wire hangers, tape them together in a couple of places. This is just to keep them stable while you are covering them later.

    Felt Covered Wire Hangers
  2. Then cut a strip of felt 1″ wide by the length of your hanger. *Be sure to measure all along the outside of your hanger and around the curve. Mine measured 42″ but yours might be different.
  3. Starting at the inside edge, wrap the felt around and blanket stitch in place. Continue to pinch and stitch all the way around. Clip end into a point, fold back and stitch the end in place. Bury your knot.

    Felt Covered Wire Hangers

    Felt Covered Wire Hangers

    Felt Covered Wire Hangers
  4. To create flowers, I cut circles from the felt. Then, I cute in a spiral pattern; leaving a round circle as the base.

    Felt Covered Wire Hangers
  5. Starting at the long end of spiral, wrap the strip around a pencil and hot glued in place.
  6. Attach flower to hanger. You can attach with needle and thread or glue gun. Your choice.

    Felt Covered Wire Hangers

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I am definitely going to try this as soon as I get my wire hangers from storage. They had started rusting and I painted over them but I never liked how they looked after. I love how this project has been written and the photos make it easier to do.

you could also take a long, thin strip of fabric and just wrap it around the hanger then sew or glue in place. havent tried this yet but looks cute! i would only decorate a little around the hook so you can put chlothes on it. be crafty!


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