Candles & Soap

Hundreds of free candle craft projects, free soap craft projects and other bath craft projects. Learn how to make candles for home decor or give homemade candles as gifts. Make your own soap or give bath salts. Create holiday candles and decorative s

Absolutely Adorable DIY Mason Jar Candle

Spark your creativity with this absolutely adorable DIY Mason jar candle.…More

(5 Votes)

Cute DIY Teacup Candle

Turn an old teacup into a new piece of DIY home decor with this Cute DIY…More

(1 Votes)

Adorable Snowman Mason Jar Candle

Ready to make this Adorable Snowman Mason Jar Candle from start to finish?…More

(0 Votes)

How to Make Bath Bombs

DIY bath bombs don't need to be complicated. Find the best bath bomb…More

(2 Votes)

Citronella Wine Bottle Crafts

Repelling bugs and chasing away mosquitos is an essential for any outdoor…More

(11 Votes)

Cupcake Bath Bombs

Try not to eat these delicious-looking cupcakes, because they are made of…More

(6 Votes)

Doughnut Bath Bombs

"These bright and colorful doughnut bath bombs are a fun DIY gift idea,…More

(1 Votes)

Learn How To Make Decorative Gel Candles

"Making your own candles is always a rewarding process. Whether youre…More

(1 Votes)

Egg Shell Candles

"Sometimes Im amazed that Im not a hoarder with 50 cats and armies of…More

(1 Votes)

Soap Bible

一位读者分享她clever tip for creating a nice-smelling soap "bible"…More

(1 Votes)

Tangerine Floating Candle Holder

Learn how to make a gorgeous DIY candle holder out of a stemless wine…More

(2 Votes)

Mickey Mouse Bath Bombs

Once the cooler fall weather starts to set in, I like to think about…More

(0 Votes)

Peppermint Lip Balm Recipe

"It seems like I go through so much lip balm in the winter! I like to keep…More

(2 Votes)

Dollar Store Ombre Candle

This candle has it all! Easy? Yep. Gorgeous? Definitely! Dollar store…More

(1 Votes)

Teacup Candles

You can create a beautiful Teacup Candles using an antique teacup, dollar…More

(1 Votes)

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