DIY Snowy Lantern Ornament

DIY Snowy Lantern Ornament

DIY Snowy Lantern Ornament
DIY Snowy Lantern Ornament

"This easy DIY Snowy Lantern Ornament will shine brightly on your Christmas tree.Well, we are less than one week away from the big day. It’s hard to believe that Christmas is almost here. I have been super busy preparing for the holiday. I can happily say that my Christmas shopping is done. D.O.N.E.- DONE! Now if one of Santa’s elves could come over and help me wrap, I would be in good shape. The holidays can get a little stressful for me because I like everything just perfect. This year though, I have been taking a more relaxed attitude and have been feeling so much better. Christmas is about cherishing those moments with family and friends. It is sometimes hard not to get wrapped (no pun intended) up in all the intricate details."

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