Lovely Paper Bag Snowflakes

Lovely Paper Bag Snowflakes

Lovely Paper Bag Snowflakes
Lovely Paper Bag Snowflakes

"This craft is incredibly easy to make and one of these snowflakes is finished already within minutes. All you need to make it are 8 very thin paper bags, such as thin sandwich bags, glue and scissors. It has a large size and when hung from a ceiling, the snowflake gently turns in the room and looks really lovely. Create a group of them to quickly turn the room into a winter wonderland. You can cut a different pattern into each one to create unique decorations."

Estimated CostUnder $10

Time to CompleteUnder an hour


Difficulty Level容易

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I wonder if this would work with tissue paper? I don't remember seeing bags or sacks made from the very thin paper like she is using. I wish I had seen this earlier before Christmas, I would have tried it with some of the tissue wrapping paper, but it looks like even if I used regular printer paper, they would turn out pretty.

This is the loveliest craft i have seen today. At first, it looks like a Christmas tree, but when you open the layers up, it reveals the snowflake pattern. It is perfect for a kid's room decoration or as a craft activity with the kids just make sure you help them out with the scissors first


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