Gift Wrapped DIY Tabletop Christmas Trees

Gift Wrapped DIY Tabletop Christmas Trees


Gift Wrapped DIY Tabletop Christmas Trees
Gift Wrapped DIY Tabletop Christmas Trees
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"These Christmas trees are so easy and inexpensive to make! All you need is left over wrapping paper, tissue paper, or scrapbook paper."

Estimated CostUnder $10

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Main MaterialPaper

Difficulty LevelBeginner

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These are a clever project idea and I think kids would enjoy making this together using bits found around the home, or at the local thrift buck store as they have these little types of embellishments and decorations there which aren't pricey at all. I have used a similar technique to wrap oatmeal carton tunes with paper or fabric to fill with cookies for the holidays. Fun!

I love these little mini trees because you can make a ton of them and use them in a variety of areas to decorate your home for the holidays. They are so inexpensive too! I love putting a few on the bathroom counter and the back of the toilet just to add some decor to an area you may not have much in because it will tie the space together so well.


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