如何Make a High Heel Mosaic Box

如何Make a High Heel Mosaic Box

Get a little fancy and learn how to make a high hell mosaic box fromHeidi Borchers. Mosaic craft projects may seem more advanced, but if you use Aleene's Tacky Glue, you'll have a cool decorative piece in no time. This is a great excuse to get girly.

Start with random mosaic tiles, which can easily be found at a craft store. If you're not confident in your drawing skills, search online for a shoe template that fits your style. Cut the tiles using wheeled nippers or other glass-cutting materials and get gluing! Aleene's Tacky Glue is the perfect adhesive because there's no mess or hazardous fumes. You can even use grout to create a greater contrast between the glas spieces.

For a step-by-step photo tutorial of this project, check outFabulous Shoe Mosaic.

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