Green and White Shopping Bag

Green and White Shopping Bag

Get environmentally friendly with this easy to crochet shopping bag fromBernat Yarns. The green and white colored yarns really make it look earthy. Carry your new bag around while you shop for your favorite things. It's an easy crochet pattern.


  • Bernat Handicrafter Cotton (Solids: 400 g/14 oz or 50 g/1.75 oz) or (Ombres and Prints: 340 g/12 oz or 42.5 g/1.5 oz)
  • 300 g/10.5 oz of (#33713 Key Lime Pie) as A and 200 g/7 oz of (#00001 White) as B.
  • Size 4 mm (U.S. G or 6) crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge.

GAUGE: 15 sts and 17 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] in pat.

FRONT and BACK (make alike).
Note: • Ch 2 does not count as first hdc in row. • To change color, work to last 2 loops on hook of last st. Draw new color through to complete st and proceed in new color.

With A, ch 53.
1st row: (RS). 1 hdc in 3rd ch from hook. 1 hdc in each ch to end of ch. Turn. 51 hdc.
**2nd row: Ch 3 (counts as dc). 1 dc in each hdc to end of row. Turn.
3rd row: Ch 2. 1 hdc in each dc to end of row. Turn.
Last 2 rows form Pat.**
Cont working in pat in the following color sequence: With A, 1 row. With B, 10 rows. With A, 8 rows. With B, 10 rows. With A, 4 rows. Fasten off.

With A, ch 18.
1st row: (RS). 1 hdc in 3rd ch from hook. 1 hdc in each ch to end of ch. Turn. 16 hdc.
Rep from ** to ** as given above until work from beg measures 45 ins [114.5 cm]. Fasten off.

STRAPS:(make 2).
与B, ch 113。
1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 1 sc in each ch to end of ch. Turn.
2nd to 4th rows: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc to end of row. Turn.
Fasten off.

FINISHING:With WS of Front and Side tog, join A with sl st to top left corner. Ch 1. Working through both thicknesses, work 1 row of sc down left side, across bottom and up right side of Bag. Fasten off. Rep for Back.

Edging:With RS facing, join A with sl st to top of Bag.
1st and 2nd rnds: Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as sl st. Work 1 rnd of sc around top of Bag. Join with sl st to first sc. Fasten off at end of 2nd rnd.

Sew Straps to Bag as shown in picture.
Cut a piece of cardboard 5 x 17 ins [12.5 x 43 cm] and place in bottom of Bag.

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