Faux Trapper Hat

Faux Trapper Hat

This Faux Trapper Hat fromBernat Yarnsis great for those late winter nights. Not only does it keep your head warm, but the flaps fold down and protect your ears from the cold! Faux fur trapper hats are so fun to wear and easy to make with this crochet pattern!

Faux Trapper Hat


  • Bernat® Fab Faux (70 g/2.5 oz; 23 m/25 yds) (08040) Fox 2 balls
  • Size 12.75 mm (U.S. Q) crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
  • Small quantity of Bernat® Softee Chunky for ties
  • Size 8 mm (U.S. L or 11) crochet hook for ties


  1. With larger hook, ch 2.
  2. 1st rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Join with sl st to first sc.
  3. 2nd rnd: Ch 1. 2 sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first sc. 12 sc.
  4. 3rd rnd: Ch 1. *2 sc in next sc. 1 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. 18 sc.
  5. 4th rnd: Ch 1. *1 sc in each of next 2 sc. 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. 24 sc.
  6. 5th rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first sc. Rep last rnd until work from beg measures 9 ins [23 cm].
  7. Shape earflaps: Next row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each of next 5 sc. Turn. Leave rem sts unworked.
  8. **Next row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc to end of row. Turn.
  9. Next row: Ch 1. Draw up a loop in each of next 2 sc. Yoh and draw through all 3 loops on hook – sc2tog made. 1 sc in next sc. Sc2tog. Turn.
  10. Next row: Ch 1. Draw up a loop in each of next 3 sts. Yoh and draw through all 4 loops on hook – sc3tog made. Fasten off.**
  11. With RS facing, miss next 10 sc. Join yarn with sl st in next sc. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp. 1 sc in each of next 4 sc. Turn.
  12. Leave rem sts unworked.
  13. Rep from ** to **.
  14. 前盖:1行:(RS)。加入与sl圣纱next missed sc at front edge after first earflap. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp. 1 sc in each of next 9 sc. Turn. 10 sc.
  15. 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc to end of row. Turn.
  16. 3rd row: Ch 1. Sc2tog. 1 sc in each of next 6 sc. Sc2tog. Turn.
  17. 4th row: Ch 1. Sc2tog. 1 sc in each of next 4 sc. Sc2tog. Fasten off.
  18. Fold Front Flap to RS and sew corners in position.
  19. ‘Pom-Pom’ (make 2).
  20. With larger hook, ch 2.
  21. 1st rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Join with sl st to first sc. Fasten off.
  22. Tie (make 2).
  23. With 2 strands of Bernat® Softee Chunky and smaller hook, ch 16. Fasten off leaving a long end. Weave end through top edge of ‘Pom-Pom’ to create ball shape and fasten securely, joining to end of tie. Sew ties in position to Ear Flaps.

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love Love LOVE this hat but the pattern directions and amount of skeins of yarn to buy is not enough. Nowhere near enough so it'll look like the photo.

I finished tonight the Faux Trapper Hat and was very disappointed because the directions are for someone with a very small head or a child. I used a smaller hook: a 10mm, for I crochet loosely. When I got where I was to put on the flaps, I was at the end of the recommended 2 ball to buy and it would not fit over my head. Had to unravel and redo it again and the nap on the yarn was totally altered, it didn't even look like fur anymore and when I got to the part to add the flaps I had just enough to finish ear and front flaps, but they were tiny. Not like in the photo. I should have listened to my gut when I ordered my yarn when it said order 3 balls of yarn, not 2.


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