Jack O'lantern & Black Cat Treat Cups

Jack O'lantern & Black Cat Treat Cups

Jack O'lantern & Black Cat Treat Cups
Jack Olantern Black Cat Treat Cups

“那么可爱和快速,完美的万圣节croche快t patterns for gifting or decorating! If you are looking to make a few quick gifts for kids, teachers and friends or to sell at craft fairs these two free halloween crochet patterns would be perfect. Would also make a cute little home decor idea as these little treat cups could be used as a candy bowl at a party for halloween decorations – fill with candy corn for your guests to enjoy! Approximate finished size: 2 1/2” wide x 2 1/2” tall Beginner friendly single crochet stitches throughout with a reverse single crochet finish. Complete photo and video tutorial provided for the reverse single crochet stitch. Great for scrap yarn and the cat basket could be made with different colors for year round cat fun!"

Difficulty LevelBeginner

Crochet HookI/9 or 5.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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