Mod Heirloom Crochet Blanket

Mod Heirloom Crochet Blanket

Mod Heirloom Crochet Blanket
Mod Heirloom Crochet Blanket

“This gorgeous, modern crocheted blanket is made with the granite stitch. This stitch is super easy and gives the afghan a woven look. The color and style is sure to go with any decor, and the blanket is modern enough to be enjoyed by teenagers, children and adults alike. You will use bulky yarn as well as a Size J hook to create this heirloom worthy blanket. Perfect for the cooler months of fall and winter!"

Difficulty Level容易

Crochet HookJ/10 or 6 mm hook

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

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Wow, this is a beautiful Mod Heirloom Crochet Blanket. I love the simple stitches and the way it comes out is very pretty. This pattern is written every well and is so easy to follow. I have saved this one and think it will make a great wedding gift down the road. I like the neutral colors that will go well with any home decor. I'v never heard of the granite stitch, there is a nice video to make it. So easy to make.. Thank you so much for this free crochet pattern.


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