Cute Popcorn Costume

Cute Popcorn Costume

Need some costume ideas to make at home? Chances are you can whip up this Cute Popcorn Costume in no time! Save some money this year with this original costume idea for kids and adults alike, fromI Love to Create!

Cute Popcorn Costume


  • Aleene’s® Tack It Over and Over™
  • Tulip Soft® Fabric Paint in Glacier White and Sunshine Yellow
  • Foam Visor, red
  • Felt (5 squares white, 1 square medium blue)
  • 3/4 “ flat brush
  • Masking tape
  • Sweatshirt, red
  • Chalk or chalk pencil
  • #8 Round brush
  • Shirtboard or cardboard
  • Pattern


  1. 预洗织物;不我们e fabric softener or dryer sheet. Insert shirtboard or cardboard between layers of shirt to prevent paint from seeping through.
  2. Mask off 2” wide vertical stripes with masking tape. Using flat brush, paint with Glacier White, using a second coat if necessary.
  3. Cut white felt squares into 4” x 5” rectangles then cut a random cloud shape out of each rectangle. Cut 17-18 pieces for top and three smaller for visor.
  4. Add a small amount of Sunshine Yellow paint to the center of each piece to create the center of the popcorn.
  5. Cut a 9” x 4” rectangle out of blue felt. Transfer the lettering. Using #8 brush, paint lettering with Glacier White. Set aside to dry.
  6. Glue the popcorn pieces onto the top of the stripes and the sign to the center of the “box.” Add smaller popcorn pieces to visor.

找到这s costume and more in10 DIY Halloween Costumes for Your Little Monsters.

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