Button Scarf Wrap

Button Scarf Wrap

This knit button scarf wrap fromBernat Yarnsis chic and warm for the days that you need the extra layer, but still want to look stylish! Try this free knitting pattern, it's easy to make and makes a great holiday gift.

This knitted wrap with buttons is great for the winter months. Check out these other similar wraps to knit:Slouchy Cowl一个ndNeck Warmer Collar.

Button Scarf Wrap


  • Bernat® Roving (100 g/3.5 oz) (109 m/120 yds)
    2 balls of #00011 (Bark)
  • Knitting Needles: Size 8 mm (U.S. 11) or size needed to obtain gauge.
  • 2 buttons

Approx 14 ins [35.5 cm] wide x 29 ins [73.5 cm] long.

10 sts and 14 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] in stocking st.


  • Cast on 33 sts.
  • 行1:(RS)。*K1. yo. K2tog. Rep from * to end of row.
  • 2nd row:Knit.
  • Rep last 2 rows for pat until work from beg measures 29 ins [73.5 cm], ending with a 1st row. Cast off knitwise (WS).
  • Try on Scarf and mark position for 2 buttons. Use openwork sts of pat for buttonholes. Sew on buttons.

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Is this a knit or crochet pattern??

Hi there, This is a knitting pattern. Thanks! - Julia from FaveCrafts

I think the wrong pic has been used for illustration of garment ..!!!! The one in the pic is crocheted. Look at the pic for the basket weave wrap and you may have them wrong.

It is almost impossible to knit two stitches together on the first row. Is it the fault of the needles, the yarn or the directions?

It's the directions,its simply not possible to do a K2tog immediately after the cast on row. I reversed the directions and did the knit row first and the K1, yo, K2tog row as my 2nd row.

A very nice easy pattern and looks very warm!!

Hello everyone. I combed the Bernat free pattern section on their website and yes, this pattern IS as it is printed on this site. Same pic, also. Looks crocheted. But I would question any Bernat free pattern. They run small. I had disappointing results with the Trapper Hat. It calls for 2 balls of yarn. Go ahead and buy 3. Two is not enough. Unless you are making it for a child.

There is something majorly missing in this pattern. Also the photo appears that it is crocheted. Like this crocheted much better than knitted. More interest and texture.

Your patterns will NOT print out.

I'm new to your web site, I like what I see. Would like to make the Button Scarf Wrap, but how is the colllar made. That was my first thought when I looked at the directions and the picture.

how would this be croceted?can't knit but would love this pattern in crochet.

I also think there is something missing in the instructions for this scarf. Is the collar attached and where are instructions. It doesn't say anything about the collar.

If you have any questions about this pattern please feel free to contact the Bernat manufacturer at httpwww.bernat.comcontact.php Thanks! -The FaveCrafts Team

This is a very cleaver scarf. I am not a knitter. I crochet. Would follow the pattern as the knitting for crocheting and use half double crochet? I will still rate it highly.

Is there something missing in the instructions for this scarf? I don't see how the collar was made.


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