Claire Inspired Cowl

Claire Inspired Cowl

Claire Inspired Cowl
Claire Inspired Cowl

"Hi everyone! I've been fond of the knitted garments that Outlander characters wear for quite a while now and have been told by multiple people to just go for it and make something inspired by them. I know how popular the series is, and after the release of every season my timeline gets flooded with knitters making their beautiful yet simple shawls and scarves. But this time, when I saw Claire wearing this specific cowl, I wanted to make one myself after I instantly fell in love with it. Adding one or two of my touches, such as porthole eyelet as a method of increasing stitches, may seem to have made it slightly difficult to knit, but you can watch my tutorial video and see how easy it is once you get the into the rhythm of it. If you’re waiting for the next episode of Outlander, you might want to use your time making this quick one skein project. Have a nice knitting day guys!"

Difficulty LevelIntermediate

Knitting Needle Size10 or 6 mm

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

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