
Hundreds of great painting projects including free pumpkin painting ideas, oil painting, interior painting ideas, room painting ideas, and more. Explore numerous decorative painting techniques such as faux painting, sponge painting, porcelain paint

Uncanny Penguin Tin Can Treat Holders

"Turn those empty cans in your recycler into adorable treat holders. Fill…More

(1 Votes)

How to Clean Hardened Paint Brushes

Discover our best advice for cleaning paint brushes with dried paint.…More

(1 Votes)

Charming Country Mason Jars

If you can't afford a rustic country escape, never fear. These Charming…More

(0 Votes)

Handprint Dishtowels

Make a memory that will last a lifetime by putting together these…More

(2 Votes)

DIY Bike Planter Garden Craft

Don't send your old bike to the dumpster! Give it a facelift and a new…More

(0 Votes)

Mini Pallet with Plants

"In this project, easy to blend TintIT. colors create an ombre color grid…More

(1 Votes)

Glam Glitter Mug

Drink your tea, coffee, or cocoa in style with a cute glam glitter mug.…More

(0 Votes)

Galaxy Painted Rocks

"Rock painting is such a fun crafting trend. I recently got into painting…More

(1 Votes)

How to Watercolor Flawlessly for Beginners

Whether you are an accomplished artist or just a casual crafter looking…More

(5 Votes)

Retro Pitcher and Glasses

Use simple painting techniques to create a colorful set of glasses and…More

(1 Votes)

Quick Minecraft Canvas Art

Gamers, especially Minecraft fans, will love making these canvases painted…More

(3 Votes)

DIY Personalized Flour Sack Towels

DIY个性化面粉袋毛巾变得工艺品ing more and more…More

(1 Votes)

Painted "Amazing Grace" Sign

This is a great project to do if you have a free half hour to an hour in…More

(1 Votes)

Glitter Galaxy Rocks

"These glitter galaxy rocks are a fun and easy craft that is out of this…More

(1 Votes)

Chevron Painted Rug

Transform a boring and plain rug into a trendy piece of home decor with…More

(1 Votes)

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