Inspirational Mix and Match Canvases

Inspirational Mix and Match Canvases

Create a group of inspirational wall canvases with this affirmation card project fromTiffany Windsor of Inspired at Home. Aleene’s® 2 in 1 Glue™ does double duty in holding scrapbook paper to these canvases and making these affirmation cards removable and repositionable. These canvases look cute grouped together.

Attitude of Gratitude 1Attitude of Gratitude 2


  • Aleene’s® 2 in 1 Glue™
  • Stretched art canvas – 4” x 4”
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Ribbon
  • Paper punch
  • Affirmation cards
  • Acrylic paint – colors to match paper and cards

    Attitude of Gratitude Supplies


  1. Paint canvases with acrylic paint. Let dry (or accelerate the drying process with a hair dryer.)
  2. Cut scrapbook papers to fit on canvases, layering where desired. Apply Aleene’s® 2 in 1 Glue™ to back of paper and glue to canvas(es) for a permanent hold.
  3. Punch top and bottom left side of card.
  4. Thread ribbon through hole and glue or sew together.
  5. Apply Aleene’s® 2 in 1 Glue to back of ribbon. Let glue set according to label instructions in order to make repositionable.
  6. Position and press ribbons onto canvas. Change out cards whenever you need to change your attitude of gratitude focus!

Tiffany’s Designer Tips: Look for double sided affirmation cards and you can “flip” them open to read the full affirmation on the other side. Because Aleene’s® 2 in 1 Glue is repositionable, you can change out your affirmation cards whenever you need a new outlook!

Attitude of Gratitude Card Open

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