Hooded Scarf

The design for this hooded scarf is simple; if you can knit a rectangle,…More

(26 Votes)

9 Tips for Planning Your DIY Gifts

When it comes to planning the perfect DIY gift, it can be hard to budget…More

(0 Votes)

Upcycle Your Old Household Items into Crafts

Things get old, and we often break things. It's never fun to have an…More

(1 Votes)

Daisy Chain Beaded Bracelet Pattern

If you want to learn how to make jewelry but need to take it easy, this…More


12 Fun & Fabulous Mod Podge Projects free eBook

Make your own fast, fabulous, and fun Mod Podge projects this holiday…More

(3 Votes)

Rose Petal Self-Compassion Spell

Having compassion for yourself is not something that comes as easily as…More

(1 Votes)

How to Use a Tailor's Clapper and Point Presser…

Learn how a tailor's clapper or sewing clapper is used, and learn all…More

(3 Votes)

Harvest Door Decor

The beauty of fall is fleeting, but it can easily be captured with outdoor…More

(1 Votes)

Tips for Decorating Denim

Learn how to decorate jeans with some of the tips and techniques Marie…More

(1 Votes)

Sewing Goals Printables

"Free sewing planners you can use to keep track of your sewing projects,…More

(1 Votes)

How to Create Different Quilting Patterns Using a…

Learning how to quilt is definitely not easy but, this How to Create…More

(1 Votes)

How to Fix a Messed up Tie Dye Shirt

It has happened to all of us. Youve waited patiently for your tie dye to…More

(1 Votes)

Wet Embossing, or How to Heat Emboss

Wet embossing is similar to stamping, and the result is a textured design…More

(1 Votes)

Make your New Bear Look Old

Add some character to your new teddy bear by making him look old. This is…More

(2 Votes)

"12 Thrifty Trash to Treasure Crafts" eBook

If you hate throwing anything away, you'll love this collection of thrifty…More


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