Milk Jug First Aid Kit

Milk Jug First Aid Kit

Do you have an old milk jug taking up room in your recycling bin? Turn it into a handy first aid kit with this Milk Jug First Aid Kit tutorial. Great for college kids and traveling, this kit can hold everything you need so you're always prepared. And it's environmentally friendly, so it's nice to Mother Earth, as well. Create a couple of these first aid kits and keep one in the car and one in your suitcase so you're always prepared no matter what happens. This kit also makes a great gift for someone living on their own for the first time.

Primary TechniqueGreen Crafting

Difficulty Level容易


  • Plastic milk jug/juice container
  • 1 snap closure and a snap setting tool
  • Small scrap of colored vinyl or contact paper


  1. Wash out a milk jug and remove the labels. Use some white spirits to remove any sticky residue that is left behind from the label.
  2. Using the photo as a guide, cut the milk jug so that you have three short sides with small flaps, and one longer side which will form the top flap/lid of the First Aid kit.

    Milk Jug First Aid Kit
  3. Fold the flaps down, checking to make sure that the longer flap is the correct size to cover the top of the container.
  4. Using a sewing stiletto or a metal skewer, pierce a small hole in the plastic near the bottom edge of the top flap and position the snap in the hole. Use a snap setting tool or snap press to fix the snap to the lid following manufacturers instructions. Place the corresponding snap on the inside flap and fix in place.

    Milk Jug First Aid Kit
  5. Cut a small cross out of vinyl and adhere the cross to the top of the first aid kit.

    Milk Jug First Aid Kit
  6. Fill the kit with supplies.

    Milk Jug First Aid Kit

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What a cool idea. My personal preference would be to see if I could crochet one of these. However, in answer to someones post there are several ways to soften the edges. My fathers favorite would have been a little bit of duct tape! Another creative way would be to poke holes around the outside and sew/crochet using the holes.

Thank you. I like the idea of punching holes and sewing around the edges with suede or thick yarn. That would make a difference for sure!

This is a great idea and a great way to recycle old milk jugs. My only concern is that you might need the contents of the first aid kit after handling it. The edges will be sharp. Can someone recommend a way to soften the edges and make it safer to handle?

This is a great idea to create for your child that is going off to college, to have in their dorm, for your car, or just to have in the kitchen. You never know when this will be needed and you are helping the environment all at the same time.

I definitely thought at first that it was going to be an old milk jug, like the glass kind, that you would have to break to get in, which I thought was silly. This is actually pretty ingenious!

Wow... You can barely tell that was an old milk jar. I love this!

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