Tea Jug Poinsettia Ornament

Tea Jug Poinsettia Ornament


Tea Jug Poinsettia Ornament
Tea Jug Poinsettia Ornament
This image courtesy offavecrafts.com

“This Poinsettia is made from plastic tea jugs. I take a lighter and run over the back of the leaves and petals and kind of let them take their own free form. They are all hot glued in layers on a plastic disc. They are painted with glass paint. The bulbs in the middle are pearls that I put on with hot glue and pulled them up, held them there so they set up higher. Green yarn is glued to the back for hanging."

Estimated CostUnder $10

Time to CompleteIn an evening

材料Beads, Paint, Plastic

Primary TechniqueGreen Crafting

Difficulty Level容易


Project TypeMake a Project


  • Glass paint
  • scissors
  • lighter
  • plastic tea jug
  • paint brush
  • leaf and petal template
  • hot glue gun and glue
  • circle disc from tea jug
  • Pearls
  • 7 inch piece of yarn


  1. Find and print templates

  2. cut out leaf and petals from plastic tea jug (use as many as you like)

  3. 热量与轻直到树叶或花瓣的形状you want

  4. paint with glass paint

  5. glue leaves on

  6. glue petals on top of the leaves in layer making sure to let the leaves show.

  7. In the middle of the flower put down a small blob of glue and put the pearls on making sure to put up so that they set higher.

  8. Attach yarn with hot glue for hanging.

  9. Hang your beautiful Poinsettia on your tree.

  10. Enjoy!

NotesI love working with recycled materials. Plastic is a great one because you can mold it just about any way you want.

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I wasn't quite sure what a plastic tea jug was, so I researched it and it is similar to the plastic milk container jugs, but clearer. I was wondering if a milk container would work with this project, but because it is opaque perhaps the glass paint would not show up as nicely. Wonder if acrylic paint would work? Or perhaps mixed with a decoupage product to thin it out. Clever craft and pretty too!

I i love the look of this! It would be a great item for my son's Christmas boutique. Do you think a hair dryer would get hot enough to bend the plastic? I love how you wrote all the steps out. Thanks for the awesome Diy!

What are plastic tea jugs? I would like a better picture to understand the instructions please. I do better with a visual. Thank you

I think they are referring to regular pictures that you use to put your tea,koolade or frozen orange juice in. I also would love to see a video explaining it more better so I can see what she is doing. Such a lovely ornament but not really sure how it is done. I also do better watching the videos. Did you try making one yet?

I never would have thought of this! This looks so easy to do, and I love handmade ornaments because they add a little personal touch to the Christmas tree.


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