Kids Paper Craft Tucan: Fun craft for kids

Kids Paper Craft Tucan: Fun craft for kids

Kids Paper Craft Tucan: Fun craft for kids
Kids Paper Craft Tucan Fun craft for kids

"I made this Papercraft tucan for kids.This is very easy and fun project. I hope kids will love it.You can make it as kids arts and craft themed birthday party.Let's get started.For this project, material list is bellow. 1)Colored Tissue 2)Construction Paper 3)Paper Plate 4)Chenille Stems 5)Googly Eye 6)Acrylic Paint 7)Mod Podge 8)Hot Glue 9)Cardboard Paper or Cereal box 10)Sharpie black I used a cereal box and cut it.And I draw a Tucan on it.Then I applied mod podge, using the colored tissue I painted the tucan and I used the googly eye for the tucan eye.Then using a black Sharpie I draw the outline of the tucan.Then with scissors cut the outline of the tucan.Then I painted the paper plate using acrylic paint. I used 4 brown color chenille stems and twisted them and make the shape of a tree branch.Then using hot glue I attached the tree branch to the paper plate. Then I attached the tucan. I used construction paper for making tropical flower and leaves which I cut it and using hot glue attached to the tree branch.Now we are done our project is ready. I hope you enjoy this video."

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